Coach Powell BONUS replays!

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Please enjoy the following special gifts along with your training purchase.

-Coach Powell

“Your success is our focus!”

Welcome to the “B2B Sales & Networking Lead Generation – Webinar” replay!

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System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

If you haven’t already checked out any of our webinars you may want to get the following codec

The audio will start firsts and then you should be able to see the video after a few minutes.

Click here SEE VIDEO and have at it!


here is The 5 Methods to Super Engaging Training Power Pack including:


Video Recording of The Secrets to Creating a Successful LinkedIn Marketing Campaign

Thanks for participating in this phenomenal training event!

I won’t bother you with the details of how uploading this thing has stressed me out for the entire weekend but here we go.

First, be sure that you have downloaded the right codec from GoToMeeting.

Now, when are ready to watch go ahead and click this link and things should work perfectly YOUR VIDEO. I apologize for the delay in delivering this to you.

Don’t forget the powerpoint deck. You’ll find some powerful links there [Read more…]



Communicating with traveling networks

Not all networks stay in the same spot. Many people are constantly on the move. As in, they are moving, or at least traveling, all over the nation, or globe. So how do you keep in touch with them?

I think that the easiest way to do this is to make use of the Internet. They have email address, and likely also have internet profiles at LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Make use of their online presence to keep in touch with them.

Have you had some experience dealing with traveling networks of people? What are your suggestions for communicating with them and letting them know that you exist?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Keeping your success in focus,
-Coach Kolansky


Here we are finally at week six. By now undoubtedly all of you are beginning to see where all of this is going. The feedback has been tremendous and I’m impressed with the quality of work and the level of engagement that has been shown.

This last assignment is all about external communication. I’ll take a moment to remind you here that the loudest voice in your life is your own. You need to be extra careful to speak to yourself in ways that affirm your highest truth. We’re going to try everything possible to make sure that your external dialogue is a reflection of real value to you and your highest internal ideals. What else should you be interested in talking about anyway? [Read more…]


OK, we’ve come a long way but we’ve got a little further to go. For the next two weeks we’ll be discussing and working on exercises that will help you build a fantastic communications plan. There are several aspects that must be considered if your networking opportunities are to bring positive results to you and your team. First your internal communication must be adequate. You’ll have to understand the value of self talk and self awareness. Then you’ll have to really go to work on external dialogue both verbal and non-verbal.

Remember, networking is the only form of marketing that can truly focus on a niche market absolutely in real time. What you say and how to say it matters more than a little bit. The feedback will be immediately positive or negative; the true professional takes the time to prepare and doesn’t waste opportunity. [Read more…]

Vision Clarifies Decision Making (Vision Part 3 of 6)

About decision-making

Decision making is the most critical cognitive skill that we all have. Our ability to reason and make informed conclusions help us decide how, if and when we are to act on anything. In fact, decision making by definition contains the ability for us to make purposeful selections from and amidst a set of alternatives. We have to constantly negotiate mental objects and concepts to arrive at our process of living. Our ability to do this and do it well affects us on every level; personally, within our relationships and as leaders of organizations. Without well-honed decision-making skills, there is no accurate planning or coordinating, no ability to control situations as we experience them. It’s like being adrift on a stormy sea with no sail or rudder. [Read more…]