What do you want to be when you grow up?

It is always interesting when I am at a networking event and I ask someone how they got into the line of work that they are in. I get all kinds of answers, but often the resounding thing that I hear (with a few exceptions) is that they did not plan to be where they are now.

I don’t know about you, but I am exactly where I want to be at this point in my life. There is (despite what my wife may think 😉 ) an overarching plan that I am following for my life which I have been developing since I was in my teens.

The plan has changed some, but overall, I have ALWAYS wanted to be an entrepreneur. I like business. Always have. Likely always will :).

The other night Marvin and I were discussing this because we had been talking about his VisionQuest90 process. I was asking him about what this process does for people that they might not already know about. He told me that the process helps people capture who they wanted to be when they were nine years old. How cool is that? I’m sure you knew what you wanted to be when you were nine years old. A fireman, an astronaught. As Marvin put it, it was the time of your life when you thought you could jump and then never have to come back down. That was magical, wasn’t it?

Why don’t you hit us up in the comments below. Are you what you wanted to be when you grew up? What did you want to be?

This should be a lot of fun :-D.

Join the Revolution!
-Dan Kolansky