Why did you want to be what you wanted to be when you grow up

Lets continue the discussion which we started last week. As we are edging closer to Marvin’s seminar on the VisionQuest90 this topic is actually becoming more and more relevent.

We had some amazing responses (some people actually kind of found themselves again, that was pretty cool to be a part of) to last week’s blog post about who you want to be when you grow up.

Today’s question is more along the lines of why. Why did you pick the thing you wanted to be when you grow up? What was it about that profession which got your blood going?

I shared last week that I have been pretty one-track minded for most of my life when it came to picking out what I wanted to be. The reason why is this, I saw time and again (from my Grandmother running her own dance studio, to my first job where my boss ran his own computer repair company) people who truly were experiencing life. They all knew how to have a good time, and somehow they made a living doing it :).

I didn’t get into business to be lazy, by any stretch of the imagination. But I did see that if I wanted to be able to experience life, entrepreneurship would give me that chance better than anything else.

I also knew that those who were entrepreneurs did tend to be able to spend more time with their families. And not to get too personal, but that was something which I did truly miss as a child in my family. We have always been a whole family, but my Dad worked all week long and so his schedule ruled the house. I only saw him on the weekends, really. It didn’t sit right with me and I (kind of figuring this out as I type this) made a silent vow to myself to have things different when I had my own home.

Again, entrepreneurship provided that option to my household. To be able to work from home was a huge plus to me. And so I chose that profession :).

So…. that was my story. Your turn ;). Comments, please?

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