Yesterday a marketing program launched called the Product Launch Forumla. This program has been revolutionary in marketing because it is all about how to use the internet to keep a “personal touch”. It is amazing too, because as the owner of the product says, the people who have purchased it have used it to make over $103 million dollars worth of income.
I’m not trying to make you go purchase it, what I’m really trying to do is illustrate just how important that personal touch really is. It is amazing in today’s day and age because it is possible to have such a personal touch in this impersonal world that you could have people think that y’all have been lifelong friends, yet you have yet to even meet each other. You might not even know their name.
I know Internet Entrepreneurs who have pull that off quite successfully. It is like the old adage goes, it isn’t who you know, it is who knows you.
So with all that said, the question of the day is, how do you manage your relationships? I don’t expect you to have a massive following of people who know everything about you, but I do suspect that there is a group of people out there who you want to maintain a personal interaction with. How do you go about doing it?
-Coach Kolansky