This question was originally asked by a financial planner. For those who don’t know much of the financial planning industry, it is tightly regulated to help protect the population from fraudulent or, well, dumb financial planners.
So the end result is that you end up with a ton of people who essentially have the same service and product offering. So being different in that type of industry is incredibly difficult.
Coach Powell had a wonderful answer to this question which I’m going to post up tomorrow (yes, I said tomorrow. I’m putting the answers a little bit closer to the posts). Until the answer goes up though, what are some things that you have done to be different in your own industry? Maybe your industry isn’t flooded like this woman’s was, but there is almost always competition :). Why do you stand out? And can you sum it up quick enough to catch people’s attention?
I know my differentiation, it is right in my tag-line for my computer repair business. I help you love your computer again.
That gets people’s attention :).
Hit us up in the comments below :). Why are you different from all the other people in your industry?
Join the revolution!
-Coach Kolansky
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