Community Day 10: How many networking events should I attend?

Ooo…. We just went double digit on the 30 days. Go us!

Today’s question is pretty simple, what are your thoughts on how many networking events someone should attend?

I know for me, I have set the number at somewhere around 2-3 a week. But I know of some people that do as many as one every business day. I think that this is pretty heavily tied into yesterday’s question of how many people should you plan to meet at a networking event? Because it all comes down to the numbers. If you know that you need to meet X number of people in order to make enough money then you will need to attend Y number of events where you speak with Z number of people.

Simple algebra. Course, I never was a math guy.

Thoughts? Hit us up in the comments below. How many events do you attend?

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-Coach Kolansky