The Ninety Day Power Play 2.0 is up and we are ready to tear down the walls in Northern Virginia, and then the whole world. We have some amazing things coming and here is a preview so you can make sure that you are positioned to grow your business!
#1.) You can expect to see Coach Powell’s 16 Power Plays Playbook hitting the streets this coming May. This book is going to have 16 powerful strategies that you can employ to grow yourself, your business, and your leadership abilities. This is, essentially, “bottled Coach” (Patent Pending =P). Imagine taking Coach Powell’s $5,000 business coaching program (the same one which has generated such a big splash here in Northern Virginia), multiplying it by 16, and then giving it away for free in an ebook.
Its kind of crazy, I know. All I can say is that you would be insane not to be ready for it when it finally does make it out. The best way that you can stay tuned for that is to sign up for our e-zine! We’ll be releasing it for free to all of our subscribers. But only to our subscribers. So check out the e-zine on the right hand side of the screen if you haven’t already.
#2.) Two weeks from tomorrow you are going to see the launch of 30 days of Coffee Tea You and Me. As some of you may know, we have been podcasting the Coach during his Coffee Tea You and Me training sessions and we now have over 30 podcasts which are going to be released for 1 day at a time (and then they go poof).
People have been telling Marvin for years that what he does at Coffee Tea You and Me is worth a lot of money (we are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of training). He has helped thousands of business professionals to expand their horizons through this very powerful free networking training program. And to be honest, I think that Marvin’s sessions are so powerful that I am not going to let him just put them up for free. Yeah, thats what happens when you get an information marketer as a business partner. Sorry guys.
Each lesson from his Coffee Tea You and Me sessions is going to be put up for 24 hours for our e-zine list subscribers. During that time they will be able to listen to and download that particular podcast for free, after the 24 hours is up though, I’m pulling it off the web — forever!
Why am I doing this? Two reasons:
- I have every single intention of bottling these podcasts onto a CD set after the 30 days is up and selling it. The training from these podcasts alone is enough to bring in tens of thousands of dollars into your business. In fact, I owe almost all of my income to the strategies that Marvin taught me at Coffee Tea You and Me. So if you want to get in before the price tag lands then you better get moving and get on that mailing list before you miss some of these timeless tips and tricks.
- The underlying principal of the Ninety Day Power Play is to induce action. We aren’t just putting up information to enrich your life. As an old friend of mine used to say: “Knowledge that isn’t applied, isn’t knowledge.” So I have zero intention of just handing out free candy. If you want to really take this and use it to make your business better then you are going to have to take action. Sorry, but I like to see results — so lets get you moving!
During the 30 days of Coffee Tea You and Me you can expect to learn some of the following:
- Networking when you don’t know anybody
- How to always start networking with the end in mind
- How to keep your pipeline active and nurturing
- How do you move from being a generalist in what you do to being a specialist?
- How do you market multiple businesses at the same time
- Using Facebook to promote your business in a tasteful manner
- How do you leverage yourself in people groups who don’t like/aren’t familiar with social media?
- Using social media websites to build your brand
- And a lot more!
#3.) Coach Powell’s VisionQuest90 half-day seminar will kick off our online training program.
In fact, the online training program is going to start offline as we are going to host a half day seminar that will teach you:
- The way Coach Powell uses Vision like a lightsaber to cut through the crap that we have to put up with on a daily basis.
- How to find your personal mission in life so you can grow yourself and your business.
- And finally, how to take your vision and mission and apply them to your life to create dramatic changes to your whole world in 90 days or less.
There are going to be 70 tickets to this seminar. I can tell you right now that before we have even put up a way to RSVP for the seminar 15 of them are sold. That means that for all of Northern Virginia there are only 55 tickets for this event. I highly recommend getting on the mailing list so the very second that we open up the seminar to the general public you will be able to get in before the doors are knocked down.
This is just a preview of what is to come. April is going to be the month that everyone remembers are the month that the Ninety Day Power Play took over the world. You have a choice now to be part of it or to miss the boat.
Trust me when I highly recommend that you don’t want to miss the boat.!
Join the Revolution!
-Coach Kolansky
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