This week we’ll work specifically on the ideas that you’ll need to explore to construct your goals and daily tasks correctly. If you haven’t already worked through last weeks lesson then you should start there and catch up. You’ll need those ideas to move forward. Hint: You may want to list your ideas in word and then cut and paste them into the comment section of the site.
Some definitions to explore:
Vision- helps to pinpoint your destination. It informs you and your major stakeholders where you intend to be.
Mission- how you intend to reach your destination
Goals- what specific strategies will you employ to reach your goals. They must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely)
Tasks- what regular consistent tactics and techniques will you use
Week 2 tasks to be completed and submitted on or before Jan 16
- Look back over you previous list and for every entry ask what do I have to do specifically to achieve or get better results here?
- List out your answers as in the example below (you may have more than forty entry’s). I’d use free form think like in your own personalized brain storming session for about 1/2 an hour
- Prioritize your top ten items; these are you real goals that you must achieve
- Break your goals into tasks that must be completed to achieve the goal. You might want to try some back wards planning here. There is a sample back up plan on my #4. You’ll need one for all ten. Begin with achieving the SMART goal and work backwards from there. If you are not use to doing this it will take some practice get started right away. Remember each of your ten items needs a backwards plan!
- Now which of these tasks must you focus on daily for the rest of the year-choose five. Clearly you will do more than this but these will become your wildly important goals that we want to focus on everyday
- List why each of these tasks is important
Sample Answers
These are some the things that I could do to get better results from my networking in 2009
- I need to invite new people to join me on LinkedIn every week
- I’ll have to construct at least different personalized LinkedIn invitations for different types of people
- Teach a master class on social networking to people
- Prepare two high quality marketing messages (letters or e-mails) for national associations
- Create a revenue sharing plan for associations
- Create a volunteer cadre to travel and co-sponsor trade booths with me
- Create trade booth marketing materials
- Develop relationships with CD fulfillment shops
- Connect Podcasts to I-tunes etc. and other services
- Sell blog sponsorships to national groups
- Develop excellent relationships with association executives
- Create monthly press releases
- Re-write vision and mission statements
- Set aside time every week for networking follow-up and commitments
- Review goals every day
- Plan vacation time
- Budget networking opportunities
- Blog and teach a course on the power of reflective listening
- Create new ideas daily
- Visualize your greatest ideas daily
- Send vision and mission statement out to thousands of friends for comment
- Develop a top ten list of golden shepherds that I must meet
- etc.
These are the top ten things that I absolutely must do to achieve my vision this year with the attending tasks (remember to use the SMART method:
- I need to invite 25-50 new people to join me on LinkedIn every week
- Memorize and deliver 5 co-responding elevator pitches in these areas (golden shepherds, clients, LinkedIn, speaking, sponsors)
- Host several mega networking parties with over 200 attendees
- Successfully Teach a master class on social networking for (500-1000) people
- follow up with conference planners for the next year
- send personal thank you note to each attendee for joining
- send e-book to each new LinkedIn connection ask them to share and make it viral
- volunteer to send FREE e-book on creating winning personal profiles
- execute presentation
- man conference sponsorship table with staff
- send LinkedIn CDs out ahead of conference
- formally accept conference speaking engagement
- ask lead conference planners to have me speak
- secure relationships with top conference planners
- do marketing surveys for conference planners
- develop lists of top conference planners
- do research to identify potential conference engagements
Here are the daily tasks that I must focus on everyday and why
- Invite five contacts to review my LinkedIn profile-this will dramatically increase my brand awareness
- Answer a LinkedIn question-dazzle the LinkedIn community with my brilliance
- Send a note to an identified association professional-keep meeting new association leaders regularly
- Follow-up on yesterday’s contacts- helps to keep commitments and build trust
- Review my top ten contact wish list and seek introductions- keeps me focused on building the next relationship regularly
- Give two recommendations ““ helps to focus on others to build trust
If you haven’t already feel free to send me an invitation to join you on LinkedIn.
-Coach Powell
Welcome to the revolution!
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