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The 30 Days of Coffee Tea You and Me – Networking Strategies Workshop

Starting on April 3rd Become a Master Networker!

Coffee Tea You and Me is a live event which occurs every Friday afternoon at the Panera Bread here in Centreville/Clifton, VA. At this event, Coach Powell shares some of his secrets to using networking for your own success. Over the last few months, we have been recording these sessions where the Coach answers real questions from real people who are trying to make some REAL NETWORKING happen!

The idea behind this is to boost everyone’s networking abilities by sharing a 5-10 minute clip from Coffee Tea You and Me every morning. This tip will energize you and get you ready to go out into the wild world of networking and take down that prospect you have been going after for so long!

Some topics that you are going to see answered to are:

  • How do I get in the door to make a sale when they won’t even take my call?
  • How do I build a network which will be beneficial to me?
  • How do I build a network without spending all of my day JUST on building a network?
  • How do I get started with networking when I just simply don’t know anybody!
  • How do I increase the potential of my current network?
  • How do I communicate with my network for maximum results?
  • How do I stop wasting my time and money on networking and start making some magic happen?
  • How do I create some energy behind my personal and business brand with networking?

Remember that Networking is both online and offline. Networking is the most effective form of marketing because it is the best way to make “word of mouth” marketing happen. If you aren’t already on the Coach Powell mailing list then just stick your name and email into the form below so that as we cycle through these lessons you will be able to access them :).

Get in before April 3rd so you get every one of the thirty days of Coffee Tea You and Me :).



Join the Revolution!
-Coach Kolansky

The Ninety Day Power Play Is Kicking Tail!

The Ninety Day Power Play 2.0 is up and we are ready to tear down the walls in Northern Virginia, and then the whole world. We have some amazing things coming and here is a preview so you can make sure that you are positioned to grow your business!

#1.) You can expect to see Coach Powell’s 16 Power Plays Playbook hitting the streets this coming May. This book is going to have 16 powerful strategies that you can employ to grow yourself, your business, and your leadership abilities. This is, essentially, “bottled Coach” (Patent Pending =P). Imagine taking Coach Powell’s $5,000 business coaching program (the same one which has generated such a big splash here in Northern Virginia), multiplying it by 16, and then giving it away for free in an ebook.

Its kind of crazy, I know. All I can say is that you would be insane not to be ready for it when it finally does make it out. The best way that you can stay tuned for that is to sign up for our e-zine! We’ll be releasing it for free to all of our subscribers. But only to our subscribers. So check out the e-zine on the right hand side of the screen if you haven’t already. [Read more…]

Week Seven "“ Pulling it all together

Week Seven ““ Pulling it all together

Sorry for the late post everyone. I had to put my old Honda Accord to rest due to a very fortunate accident for me. Dealing with insurance claims and new car shopping was a time vacuum that took more out of me than i can relay. The good news is that I replaced it with an Infiniti M45! Oh my! I finally bought a mid life crisis stud car. Look forward to pictures in future posts:-).

Ok, let’s get to work! [Read more…]


Here we are finally at week six. By now undoubtedly all of you are beginning to see where all of this is going. The feedback has been tremendous and I’m impressed with the quality of work and the level of engagement that has been shown.

This last assignment is all about external communication. I’ll take a moment to remind you here that the loudest voice in your life is your own. You need to be extra careful to speak to yourself in ways that affirm your highest truth. We’re going to try everything possible to make sure that your external dialogue is a reflection of real value to you and your highest internal ideals. What else should you be interested in talking about anyway? [Read more…]


OK, we’ve come a long way but we’ve got a little further to go. For the next two weeks we’ll be discussing and working on exercises that will help you build a fantastic communications plan. There are several aspects that must be considered if your networking opportunities are to bring positive results to you and your team. First your internal communication must be adequate. You’ll have to understand the value of self talk and self awareness. Then you’ll have to really go to work on external dialogue both verbal and non-verbal.

Remember, networking is the only form of marketing that can truly focus on a niche market absolutely in real time. What you say and how to say it matters more than a little bit. The feedback will be immediately positive or negative; the true professional takes the time to prepare and doesn’t waste opportunity. [Read more…]


The next few weeks are going to require a review of what you’ve already done so take a minute to go back and review weeks one and two before you post your work from this weeks assignment. You should have generated so many ideas by now that it’s hard to contain them.

If you haven’t already started with week one, go back to the “rules of the game” blog post and start there. It’s not too late, you might not get caught up with the contest but you can keep up with the class. We’ll bring the contest back again in the second quarter 2009 and you’ll have an early start.

**IMPORTANT** If you’re going to play along, don’t just do the exercises for yourself. Posting your results ads to the community of learning and helps others get to see and know your business. You’ll be surprised who’ll want to help you.

The next few lessons come almost entirely from Ivan Misner’s work on building a WOMBAT plan. I’ve put our unique spin on this but I highly recommend that you purchase his book “Business By Referral”. Please see sample exercise so that you’ll know how to post your results [Read more…]


The next few weeks are going to require a review of what you’ve already done so take a minute to go back and review your lists for weeks one and two before you post your work from this weeks assignment. You should have generated so many ideas by now that it’s hard to contain them.

If you haven’t already started with week one, go back to the “rules of the game” blog post and start there. It’s not too late, you might not get caught up with the contest but you can keep up with the class. We’ll bring the contest back again in the second quarter 2009 and you’ll have an early start.

**IMPORTANT** If you’re going to play along, don’t just do the exercises for yourself. Posting your results ads to the community of learning and helps others get to see and know your business. You’ll be surprised who’ll want to help you.

Be sure to read this entire weeks lesson before you jump in. There is no particular order.

The next few lessons come almost entirely from Ivan Misner’s work on building a WOMBAT plan. I’ve put our unique spin on this but I highly recommend that you purchase his book “Business By Referral” when you get a chance. Please see sample exercise so that you’ll know how to post your results for this week. [Read more…]

Week Two – Establish (VMGD) Passionate and Powerful Vision and Mission Statements, Appropriate Goals, and Daily Action.

This week we’ll work specifically on the ideas that you’ll need to explore to construct your goals and daily tasks correctly. If you haven’t already worked through last weeks lesson then you should start there and catch up. You’ll need those ideas to move forward. Hint: You may want to list your ideas in word and then cut and paste them into the comment section of the site.

Some definitions to explore:

Vision- helps to pinpoint your destination. It informs you and your major stakeholders where you intend to be.

Mission- how you intend to reach your destination

Goals- what specific strategies will you employ to reach your goals. They must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely)

Tasks- what regular consistent tactics and techniques will you use [Read more…]

Week One – Establish (VMGD) Passionate and Powerful Vision and Mission Statements, Appropriate Goals, and Daily Action.

Post up your answers to the week one work in response to this posting!

  • Read each blog entry 1-6 on Vision at and leave comments for the community your comments must be at least five sentences for each entry (everyone will know if you fake it so don’t)
  • List at least ten real measurements of success for you becoming the best networker that you can be in 2009
  • List the values and principles that you will have to embrace and focus on to achieve these results and why
  • List at least five weaknesses that you’ll have to strengthen in your current personal behavior to insure success and why
  • List at least five strengths that you currently have that you’ll have to maximize and explain why
  • List at least five opportunities that you must take advantage of and why
  • List at least five threats that could keep you from achieving your networking goals if you don’t get in front of them

Week 1 Sample Answers!

Ten measurements of my networking success for 2009

[Read more…]